Foreign couple fined for building barrier on Yucatan beach

CHICXULUB, Yucatan — For the second time this year, individuals have built barriers in Yucatán beach communities.

Through social media, neighbors denounced that a homeowner had built a barrier on the beach so that people can’t walk or cross through this area.

Two months ago, a U.S. couple in Santa Clara, Yucatan did the same and then were forced to tear down the fence they had installed on the beach.

According to neighbors, this wall would “privatize” a part of the beach, which is illegal. They are also asking federal, state, and local authorities to solve the issue since this generates a bad image for the community.

The Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) fined the U.S. couple and ordered the removal of the fence.

In the case of the Santa Clara couple, the man built a fence on the beach and blocked locals from walking through that area. After the social media post went viral, Anne Cleasy said they would remove the fence.

The couple was fined because Mexican law establishes that beaches are free and open to all.

Text: El Universal

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