Most memorable phrases of the candidates in the final presidential debate

MERIDA — In the third and final debate before the July 1 Mexican elections, the four presidential candidates last night formulated a handful of prominent phrases, among which were accusations and counter-charges regarding corruption.

ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR – candidate of the Alliance formed between Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) and Partido del Trabajo (PT) and Encuentro Social (PES).

– Questioned on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): “I will propose that the treaty be maintained, but it can not become a fatality for Mexicans.”

– On his doubts about whether his opponents will lower the price of gasoline: “If these two went up (pointing to Meade and Anaya), they were those of the ‘gasolinazo'”.

– About his advantage in the polls: “I think it’s their fault that they are tied, behind, and they think that in the debate they are going to overcome the 30 points that I have.”

– Responding to an attack by Anaya: “I am not corrupt like you”.

– In relation to the “impunity pact” alleged by Anaya between López Obrador and his party and President Peña Nieto: “I have not seen Peña in six years.”

RICARDO ANAYA – Candidate of the coalition between the National Action Party (PAN), the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC).

– On accountability: “When I am president of Mexico, there will be an autonomous prosecutor’s office that investigates Enrique Peña Nieto (…) you, José Antonio, and your boss will face justice, because it is the right thing to do”.

– To López Obrador, referring to the direct contracts that he supposedly awarded to an entrepreneur: “You have become what you criticized so much, like the PRI, you already have your favorite contractors.”

– On the proposal of the Lopez Obrador to cancel the educational reform: “Cancel the reform (educational), allow them to sell and inherit places, it would be criminal”.

JOSÉ ANTONIO MEADE – representative of the Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) and New Alliance (NA).

– Referring to the management of López Obrador as the mayor of Mexico City: “One of the most corrupt officials we have had is Andrés Manuel”.

– Criticizing López Obrador for questioning social security: “While you want to remove the popular insurance, you bring your doctor from Miami to check you every 15 days.”

– On the educational reform: “Canceling the educational reform means canceling the future of your children.”

– In his final message: “With me you will do very well”.

JAIME RODRÍGUEZ CALDERÓN “EL BRONCO” – independent candidate

– About the minimum wage: “The minimum wage nobody earns in this country, obviously it is something that we have to change”.

– Regarding social programs: “There are many lazy people in this country who are receiving (aid) (…) and we have not ended poverty: I intend to end by putting them to work”.

– To López Obrador: “What did you have in your wallet, did you not have a picture of Elba Esther Gordillo?” (former teacher who faces trials for money laundering and organized crime).

– His attacks on the “burrocracy”: “I will root out all the lazy ones of the government, including these three.”

– Criticizes the three parties that the candidates represent: “‘The evil three’, that’s what I call them, because they have destroyed Mexico.”

– In his final message: “Get off your rear, vote independently”.

Source: EFE news agency

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